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Friday, December 22, 2023

What’s the point


The world is in a state of total collapse, we all seem to be in a unanimous agreement about that, so why the effort. There is one thing that contradicts world collapse, and that is our belief and faith, no I’m not talking about religion or God, but ur belief in a higher power or whatever you want to call it, when my life seems like, what’s the point anymore I turn to my belief and faith in a power greater than anything I know, and sure enough, all is well due to the grace of the God of ur understanding. Here’s the most important understanding of life. We are spiritual beings living in a material world. When we transform into spiritual energy and realize everything is energy the world doors open up and we become power and are able to use powers we didn’t believe we had. This is an awesome place once we become dimensional. Study ur reality, stay up all nite and stare into the dark of nite and watch miracles appear before ur eyes. Become supernatural, become limitless, open doors to another realm, take that abduction ride to the moon with Aliens and be taught the ways of the universe. Be well out there..

Available for consultation/ coaching

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