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Saturday, December 16, 2023

John Zegar thoughts and travels


The collapse of the human genome 

I avoid people and try to keep a safe distance from most any interaction having to do with stupidity of humans, their narcissism, lack of bandwidth, and nothing in the wheelhouse. They have a misguided perception that they rule the roost, not so. It’s not categorical to age or sex, it simply is changing times, lack of education, and a poorer state of affairs, or mental health. A collapse of society and culture leastwise in North America, but probably more so globally. I don’t look for conflict, but how can you not be disturbed and infuriated at Morons about us daily. I’ve had it, enough is enough. Maybe I need a cup of camomile tea to settle my bristles, How bout we bring back mental health, and especially jail.

Contact me anytime for coaching/consultation

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