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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The breaking down of planet earth

 John Zegar thoughts and travels


The world is about destruction these days, actually annihilation of the opposing forces. People of the world are expendable. The world has gone to hell in a handbasket.  The cost of living and economy of the world is in the trash, probably not coming back around to save planet earth. Morals and values are nonexistent, religion is not worth the bother, and the only people in church each week are non sinners. I’m actually trying to be nice about the affairs of the world, maybe Putin is right, let’s just nuke the joint. Wishes and desires were a thing of the past and no longer obtainable. Stay home and sleep on the couch, going to work is stupid, stop using ur imagination, there’s nothing in tomorrow, so cheat on ur husband, and husbands just go fishing! Write books about nonsensical crap while you sit on the toilet.

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