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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Changing Personality in difficult times

 Common Sense Neuroscience: Remaining who you are hasn’t worked yet, maybe your conscious brain is in conflict with your program. Seems your subconscious thoughts, which are running ninty-five percent of the time are so much different than your wishes and desires. Maybe life is spitting out more hardships than your conscious thoughts, what’s up with that? Let’s become someone else. Try thinking differently, try feeling differently about your actions and direction in life. Try nocking down more walls and building more bridges. Stop the resistance, the universe is working for you not against you. Where your at in this place and time is where you brought yourself, a greater intelligence is not picking on you. Maybe it would be good for you to sleep in, do work that inspires you and is not just shit you throw on the wall and see what sticks. The world is a fun place if you think it’s fun, or the world is a struggle if resistance is your name. Be good to the world and yourself. NAMASTE

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