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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Clearing Your Emotions/ NAVIGATORS HANDBOOK

 Clearing Your Thoughts: 

From my professional perspective it seems the world is in chaos and doesn't seem to be heading out of it in the near foreseeable future. We are actually in the sixth extinction, which means the collapse of civilization, which has happened in the history of the world. (look it up), but what does collective consciousness have to do with it, well a lot.  How we think and feel as a people of world earth can and does have the finial say in determining the outcome. Can that be altered in any way, and the answer is yes, just as in the case of disease.  If you openly express your feelings in a positive and healthy way and manner, outcomes can be altered for the better.  The guy who sees the world as a struggle will in fact end up with life's struggles, including and extinction, and disease.  Having a coach is helpful with feelings getting expressed, having a good friend or two also can help if it's not for complaining. Our decisions are based on out Limbic System, in other words our feelings and emotions.  Appreciate your feelings and learn and teach yourself to be happy.  Life is a choice!

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