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Thursday, March 9, 2023

The dismantling of Profesional Ethics

 NAVIGATORS HANDBOOK: Public be aware of discarded Ethical Standards in our world today. This applies to Dentists, Doctors, Lawyers, Police, Therapists, and pretty much any profession, including companies, and especially government politicians, and that’s the short list! Be weary of Dentists and Doctors. Your health might be better served by the adage, ‘the body can heal itself’. Money and greed are the culprit, and professional standards, competency, skill, and talent are incidental and secondary! I can testify on my own behalf we should defund more professions than just the police, we need to limit and tighten regulations and immediately remove professionals that are damaging and harming the public. Personal feelings and judgments are now the medical and professional models in a treatment plan. We are all being lied to! It is time to voice our fear and concerns!

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