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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Recovering from the Pandemic

For the past few months the world has been in disorder and our lives have been turned upside down.  Only recently are we seeing what the new world will look like.  Many more restrictions and rules to follow.  Protocol has changed in a lot of ways.  The simplicity of shopping is gone and even learning how to get in and out of the stores is cumbersome and possibly time consuming.  With all that said the same old world is still here, we just need to change for a while and not resist until things normalize.
From a psychological perspective a little surrender might be good. Putting some entertainment into the goings on might ease the pain and burden. You can choose to look at our new world as good or bad, positive or negative.  Of course that will alter your personality and even possibly your health. The point is we do have choices.
My focus is that you remain yourself. Conduct yourself in the same manner you always have and be the person you have always been. Try to maintain the lifestyle you have lived, and remember all things come to pass. bwell

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