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Sunday, June 14, 2020


Posted on June 14, 2020 at 10:35 AM
Research seems to indicate that people live their lives according to the programming they received at an early age. You are given a belief system of how life will be and generally you will follow it to the tee, for better or worse. Kinda like sheep or the blind leading the blind. When you feel your life is in conflict with your thinking it�??s about time to get new programming. The problem with that is people don�??t believe all that programming stuff and that your not a computer, so you continue to live a miserable life, hoping something from your outside world changes your life for the better. Problem is it doesn�??t work that way. Reprogramming for success simply is changing how you think, act, and feel, in others word becoming someone different. Can you block out all the negatives thoughts you have in one day, we�??ll that is what needs to happen, but for every day until you are able to rewire your neurons. It�??s that simple but people are too lazy and don�??t believe it works, so you get to keep your disease and your life of lack. Maybe success in another lifetime.

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