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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Navigators Handbook: receiving continues...

Yesterday the universe started sending me my intentions I had been meditating on for some time.  Along with that I began to receive information and my direction and calling desires by a greater intelligence/consciousness.  Sounds pretty far out but this is actually how the Law Of Attraction works for me.
Among all that I received yesterday in the early evening I received a call to go to a location to meet someone and possibly help the person out. I did and received seventy dollars, money I had not had in a few weeks, a blessing from the universe. My day ended with a beautiful nite sleeping on some side street looking up at the stars.
The Law Of Attraction gives you who you are and not what you want necessarily.  This morning I woke to a message to slow down and listen for what the universe is telling you. Your wishes and desires have arrived and are here and you are in a state of receivership so wait patiently  and listen.
My point this morning is it really does work, just ask, believe, and receive.  bwell
Follow me on IHEARTRADIO and YouTube.

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