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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Navigators Handbook: You decide who you want to be

You decide who you want to be and you design and create that someone.  For better or worse, for rich or for poor, for prosperity/abundance or for lack and hard time. You develop your personality, you see in your minds eye if he is good guy or bad, smart or stupid, genius or retarded. You decide if he is skinny or fat, social or a loner, healthy or sickly, you call all the shots entirely based on your beliefs and perceptions of how life will treat you. Nothing in the external world can influence who you are and who you become. If you think it or feel it you create it. No education or training can alter who you are and who you have become. If you want wealth you received that while a young child, same with a life of lack, you acquired that lifestyle as a child.
It’s absolutely true who you are today you designed based on an image in your heard of who you wanted to be. People already have the answers if they will. Manifest wealth or not, happiness or not, and health or not. You are and become what you imagine. bwell

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