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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Navigators Handbook: Receive who you are not what you want....

How you think, act, and feel makes up your personality which said another way is who you really are, the person you have become in life and all your dealings and goings on are handled in this manner. If you struggle in life and live a life of lack, it’s your personality. If you get through life with ease and prosperity it’s your personality. How you think, act, and feel are partly from two sources, the genes from your mother and father and their personalities and the belief systems you were taught or modeled during your first seven years. Pretty simple.
The Law Of Attraction gives back to you based on who you are and not just what you want. Remember the underlying personality of who you are can either help or hinder your intentions and what you want. If your a negative person no matter how much you ask, believe, and surrender, your negative thoughts will sabotage your need and wants, wishes and desires.
It might be wise to change your beliefs and personalities in order to manifest a happy, healthy, and prosperous life. If you find yourself not kicking the dog or putting the cat in the dryer, you might be on the right track.  bwell

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