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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Navigators Handbook: Life Notes

Following you will find Life Notes that I have compiled more recently from the past thirteen years of doing Neuroscience Research. They reflect changes I have seen in people struggling to find a path through difficult times and arriving at solutions miraculous to some.
Realizing it’s your current personality that got you in trouble in the first place.
Making a decision you need to become someone else.
Your thoughts create your disease and can remove your disease.
Negative thoughts up regulate your demise.
Change is a requirement to life.
Becoming awake, conscious, and creative is required to health.
Limiting Beliefs prevent your growth.
Without reprogramming you remain an idiot.
You control your biology and chemistry.
You control the length of your life.
Life is designed for abundance and joy.
Control is the opposite of surrender, stop it!
The solution is Love.
These are but only a few of Life’s Notes.
Coaching/Consultation available

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