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Friday, July 24, 2020

Navigators Handbook: Creating an Abundant Life

Creating an Abundant Life is our goal everyday although a lot of people struggle with this concept and idea.  What I see and notice is that most folks settle for the life they have and in some illogical frame of thought believe all is good and that they already know best. When approached with how some changes might enhance the quality of their lives, it is dismissed and discounted. Change is so difficult for people, when they only think their limiting beliefs are the only means to living  a good life. Ignorance surfaces and living down the rabbit hole feels safe for them. Expecting the same everyday and nothing ever getting better is just fine. A life in the Matrix is good, following what the government says and doing as told is best, being creative or conscious isn’t a consideration. Nothing speaks any clearer than being a program and believing every thought given you is true.
The act of creating an Abundant life is in becoming awake and conscious, willing to change and reprogram your limiting beliefs. Understand you have the ability and wisdom to design an abundant, prosperous, and healthy life. Fear should not be a deterrent. More importantly ignorance should not be a deterrent.  Life is pretty cool...maybe you should live it. bwell
Coaching/Consultation available

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