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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Common Sense Neuroscience: Guide for Living

There is a guide for living according to neuroscience and it has its roots in not living a program that someone else has given you that has their limiting beliefs, but rather wake up and become conscious and creative and develop a belief system that is all yours, one that makes you prosperous, abundant, happy, healthy, and wise.
It’s that simple but people are hell bent on the bullshit they were given as the answer to life, a guide for living.  Look around and see how far that has gotten everyone today. If you are living what you think is a ‘good’ life, you have let yourself down and it is not enough. Neuroscience says that over ninety percent of people live in a state of stress and disease and never realize their full potential. Fear is a factor not to grow but ignorance and stupidity play even a bigger part. Why is it that you have to have a trauma, disease, diagnosis, or terminal something before you decide to change and that living your old life wasn’t working, instead why not seek, mental, physical, and emotional growth in a state of joy. bwell
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