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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Navigators Handbook: Guide For Living

Culture doesn’t dictate the outcome.  People are brought up to believe they will get sick and die in their seventies or there about. Not true according to science, your body don’t just quite at that age. Your genes and cells, chemistry and biology doesn’t have an expiration date. Western medicine and doctors will say the opposite because they are run by pharmaceutical companies.  The truth of the matter is that we do not live or die by cultural beliefs. Because our grandparents died at that age has nothing to do with us and our outcome, and neither does disease.
In history, before medicine, people lived for hundreds of years and died when they were ready and had served their life’s purpose. People are week and frail today and have no grit to live a long prosperous life full of joy and good health. They live by cultural beliefs which are wrong and misdirected.
Your guide for living is becoming creative and awake in your conscious thoughts all day long. Life is a beautiful wondrous place to be without others thinking for you and directing your life. Contact me anytime for consultation or coaching. bwell

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