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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Common Sense Neuroscience: Robots

Neuroscience is the connection between the brain and the nervous system.  What we know is that the majority of people walking around on the planet think they are individuals but they are actually programs, nothing more than robots just following what they have been programmed to do.  Only five percent of your day are you conscious and awake and being creative. That people, is a fact and hard science. Stop and interact with people and look pass what you think is normal, it’s not. People do things according to their beliefs and perceptions which are all disjointed, people are actually pretty crazy in how they think, act, and feel.
Everything that is going on in the world today is not considered normal or healthy in any figment of the imagination. Do you actually think all the goings on are conscious thought out healthy behavior. Ask yourself this question, why do I repeat what I say, do , and how I act day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. You my friend are a Robot!

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