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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Common Sense Psychology: Why Change

For most people change is difficult and furthermore they weren’t programmed that way.  From an early age they have been hard wired to act, think, and feel the way they do. They have very fixed perceptions of life and how it will go for them. They know if they will have a disease or not and the outcome, their views on politics, economy, family, religion, trauma, diagnosis, ill health, or a life of lack, poverty, struggle, or even prosperity and abundance.
It’s called living in the Matrix and seeing how far down the rabbit hole they will go.  When a discussion about neuroscience comes up, and becoming less than five percent conscious all day, they dismiss that as crazy thinking.  When you suggest they are like a computer program ninety five percent of the day, they change the subject. People just don’t believe in such crazy thinking.
It is proven neuroscience that you have powers that far exceeds your imagination. You can self heal a disease or that of another. You can receive what takes a lifetime in our three dimensional world in a matter of a thought in the quantum. Why change they will say, and argue I like the way I am.  As a fly fishing guide teaching and instruction is one thing, but showing a person how to believe, will catch more and bigger fish is unimaginable. Believing you can cast to your backing and actually do it, works better than years of practice and maybe never accomplishing it.
Have you ever wondered why you attract to something or someone, and are frightened to chance a little further into what you might’s your energy, vibrations, and frequency that found a match, why do we avoid the obvious.
Living in the Matrix and down the rabbit hole is called limited thinking while risking to believe can heal the dying and land that tarpon. bwell

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