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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Common Sense Psychology: America’s Downfall

Common Sense Psychology means just that, all of us using common sense for the betterment of all. As we look around every day it has become apparent that people are not striving for the betterment of others. The reason seems quite clear, fear of one another and not a compassion for our fellow man. As I watch people each day in my life they seem so scared of the next guy taking advantage of them and therefore all rational thinking and common sense goes out the window. Things like how can I turn this person or that one in because I fear them and their behavior even though I don’t know them or what their up to. You become so vulnerable that your willing to believe most anything, even the propaganda the government and media puts out. Eventually you succumb to others rhetoric and become another sheep in the pack and give up your individuality and reason and head deeper down the rabbit hole.
I urge people to regain their senses, maybe seek a little more education and research into the goings on of our country and it’s people.If we are strong and confident in our beliefs and perceptions we fear far less and our common sense reappears. The world is a wonderful place and has so much to offer if we don’t become fearful and distort our reality. bwell

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