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Monday, July 27, 2020

Common Sense Neuroscience: what man can do...

Neuroscience has now documented that man can levitate, raise temp by nineteen degrees, communicate telepathically, cook rice by thought alone, become clinically dead for forty five minutes and come back alive fully, heal another at a distant location, self heal from terminal diseases, influence thoughts and behavior of another, and much more....why can’t man live a healthy, prosperous, and joyful life. Do we need dissension, separation, and inequities. Isn’t it through wholeness we are able to accomplish the above feats.
The Tibetan lamas can enter the fifth dimension willfully and far exceed what I’ve already said and yet we cannot live in harmony with one another. People may read my daily blogs and laugh. Our human power and potential would amaze you if you could believe. Instead of calling me for coaching or consultation it is easier to dismiss and discount it all as foolishness. Life is a beautiful wondrous adventure of a spiritual being in a physical body and if you learn to communicate with the universe willfully and regularly what you do now would become unimportant. Your wildest dreams and desires become as common as miracles. bwell

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