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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Hostel and Angry People

It is called Aggressive Personality Disorder with Impulsive tendencies and is derived from a variety of other mental health issues ranging from Paranoid Schizoid, Narcissistic Personality disorder, and a big one would be Borderline Personality Disorder to mention just a few. It can be found in the DSM-IV and can be found to exhibit 1. pervasive patterns of negativistic attitudes of resistance to demands for adequate performance in a variety of contexts, 2. Impulsive aggression 3. unstable affect 4. aggressive responses and much more. Further traits may include making one’s own misery, inability to analyze problems, blaming others, turning bad feelings into anger and rage, attacking people, lacking empathy, using anger to gain power, confusing anger with self esteem, negative self talk, and much more.  All this creates problems in areas of academic, employment, financial, legal, and relationships. They respond to disappointment and frustration with intense emotions like rage, fear of abandonment, dysphasia, and impulsive aggression.  From a neuroscience perspective the most always up regulate a disease that they believe cannot be cured which only fosters more anger and rage and thus more disease. They are not open to possibilities.  It is sad to watch these people self destruct and believe the world and people are against them. There is no self humor and view life, events, and people as an all or none proposition.  They will isolate to reduce stimulation.  So much more in their dynamics but enough be said.

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