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Thursday, January 23, 2020

There never was a beginning....

There never was a beginning, follow me on this.  We call God source but we are unable to define source or for that matter, what existed before, we don’t even know what space is.  We visualize it as void, whatever that is and we see it as black, but there was no color black, before color, and if you really think about it we don’t even know how to describe, ‘source’.  God if you will gave us concepts before there were ‘concepts’ so that we could wrap our minds around things, so we could better understand and visualize, otherwise we would go crazy.  Just think of micro and macro.  You could never find the end of the universe...we can’t comprehend that our bodies are made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. atoms, give or take a few. There once was no language or thought, intelligence, or anything, and we don’t even know what that means.  What is nothing? There never was time.  We are now closer to a comic book understanding that everything really is not, but just energy...and what is before that...a soul, spirit, source.....are we Divine Source?

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