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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

NAVIGATORS HANDBOOK: How emotions get in our way...

I have been working in clinical psychology/neuroscience for forty three years and I have found there are similarities among people that get in their way to success and living a happy life.  Emotions!  It is said the more you can control your emotions the healthier you’ll be. The person that is constantly involved in their drama and open displays of emotions seem to struggle with life. We have all met those people and we have also probably met the person that just seems to cruse through life with all it’s ups and downs. Which one are you?  Is you life fun or a struggle and obstacle?  There are several reasons for this and right now I will just focus on one, and that is your limiting beliefs you acquired before the age of seven from adults in your life.  As a small child you were in a brain wave state similar to hypnosis with your eyes open and you were impressionable from people that had good and bad beliefs about life, this is how your personality was formed.  You might have watched adults with wide swinging emotions or adults with emotions that were steady and true.
My point is you may have taken on very limiting beliefs that are in your way now in your life and it may be time to get rid of those old limiting beliefs and find something new that is more agreeable to your success and happiness.  Myself along with many professionals can help teach you how to change those useless beliefs.  The key here is if you feel uncomfortable with you life you are in conflict with your beliefs.  Feel free to contact me anytime.
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