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Sunday, August 19, 2018


COMMON SENSE PSYCHOLOGY: WELLNESS is what we seek to achieve but not always accomplish...actually I’m not that sure people think much about wellness...we live in such a fast paced world and have so many different projects and responsibilities calling leaves little time to focus on our personal wellness....although I do know of people that are sick, ill, or have medical issues and still are not focused on wellness and’s as if they get so much out of their disease why give it all up for wellness...on the other hand I know of people that are pretty well for the most part and just want to be better and in all their efforts they get no results...baffling...sometimes I think there are forces out there working in the wrong direction we’re here’s the deal from a common sense psychology point of view...keep wellness in ur mind every day and work to stay and seek health every day...the reason people don’t get well or get sick is because they think it’s not possible to control their own health and recovery...ur thoughts get u sick and ur thoughts get u well....

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