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Sunday, August 5, 2018


COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE: LOVE & JOY r two emotions that when u r doing the meditation to bless ur energy centers it is asked that u increase these two emotions in the centers and areas of the body so u raise the frequency to allow energy from the Quantum Field to flow into ur nervous system...seems pretty simple, but what does that say about the current flow of energy.....possibly our emotions of Love & Joy may b low & the flow of energy from the Quantum Field may b lacking...the question I ask is how much Love & Joy do I show or even have to express out to others..I do this meditation twice every day and it leaves me with heightened feelings of Love, Joy, & Gratitude....I have such a feeling of peace and serenity..I run into people most days that just exudes these feelings & I strive to have what they have...It's one thing to say I have Love & Joy...& another thing to show it...I want my nervous system to b open to receiving energy uploads from the Quantum Field....amazing things happen as we open to the's where miracles and infinite possibilities exist...I wish u well my friend....
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