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Friday, August 3, 2018


COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE: PROJECTIONS r pretty common among people and how they see their lives and the people around them...why do we focus on the negative aspects and not the positive potentials...why do we not picture ourselves in abundance but rather in lack, poverty, and poor luck..think about it...if ur sick u seem to focus on ur sickness and not that ur already well...when u r in lack u tend to think of all u don’t have and how badly u would like to have more...where’s the feeling of gratitude for all that u have and all that is coming to u or thinking u have already received....where is the positive...isn’t it true u can think urself sick..then why focus on being sick as opposed to thinking u r well and bring healing to urself...better yet view urself as already healed, well, and living a good life....why not project healing, good health, happiness, prosperity, love, joy, abundance, good fortune, and infinite possibilities....if u think lack u will not have abundance...if u think ill health....u will not be healed...what u project is what u people and in life...can u project health, happiness, and love for one day....don’t b so sure u can...

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