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Tuesday, June 12, 2018


COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE: ENERGY CENTERS..otherwise know as your seven Chakras are as follows... Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown...accordingly they each have a purpose which is in the same order are... safety & security, sexuality, self esteem, love, self expression, making decisions, and spirituality...additionally they each can have a significant effect on certain body parts and organs due to a lack of energy in that particular center, as it may be blocked...learning the causes and how to unblock the center will release the energy and allow it to continue to move up and through your body...causing balance, harmony, and good physical, emotional, and spiritual practice people do is to work on each energy center during their meditations with the ultimate goal of allowing the energy from the earth to travel up through all the energy centers and pass out of your seventh center and into the universe producing a feeling of oneness or wholeness with the universe and a connection with the unified field thus producing wellness and self healing....
available for coaching, consulting, workshops, and speaking...

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