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Monday, June 11, 2018


COMMON SENSE PSYCHOLOGY: WHAT R U WILLING TO ACCEPT...think about that and look around u and what do u see...I see people willing to live Lack and substandard lives..I see people struggling to make ends meet...working long hour or not working at all..I see people that seem sick and run down and not doing anything about it to feel better...I see people willing to accept their fate in life and live the ‘standards’ they have given themselves...I don’t see any Dreamers...just a lot of people with big ideas and doing nothing about it...Willing to complain about life but not make the changes necessary to better themselves...Homeless people like being homeless and begging on’s easy...I see professional business people willing to stretch ethics to live their sleazy so so only what u r suppose to do....the culture has changed...values have changed...people and the world has changed to a lesser standard...
Available for Coaching, Consultation, Speaking, Workshops

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