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Wednesday, June 13, 2018


COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE: DISEASE FREE is absolutely possible and does exist with many people that have done the research, understand the process, r accepting of the results, and fearless to cross the river of change...Dr. Joe has done an amazing job presenting the neuroscience of being Disease Free and as with all of us that have for years learned various processes that can produce the same result...this is the time to learn and be educated about the science of how we acquire Disease and how we eliminate Disease....People all day long around the world r healing themselves of Disease, Illness, Trauma, Diagnosis, and horrible sicknesses that Medicine has no cure...I am proud to b a part of the process of offering some of the education and training that I have learned in my forty threes years of clinical work and ten years of research...and am available for Consultation and have dedicated my life's work to watching Transformation in people recover from all forms of mental and emotional is my belief that it occurs with programs we r given as children and through our Beliefs and Perceptions as well as Environment we make ourselves sick and can make ourselves well...Getting the information is crucial as is doing the work...I am excited to b available to anyone wanting to know.....

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