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Monday, March 4, 2024

I’ve had just about enough


Today I want to give praise and glory to God. He has been good to me and all I have to do is stay in prayer and remain in peace. Life is simple, but I sure don’t want to go through this again. Once is enough! When my extraction portal is ready, I’m out of here, and I won’t be back. For now I don’t want to be bothered or beat up anymore.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Temperamental people

Be it personal or social people mess up relationships with allowing temperamental emotions getting involved where they don’t belong. Furthermore in business plz separate the two. Life is difficult as it is without trying to blend emotions into a deal. If for example you want to write a book, stay on subject and not on emotion. Women obsess with emotions and men obsess with outcome! Sometimes I think it would be best going home, locking the door, shutting the phone off, tv, radio, and becoming oblivious to the world!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Corrupt legal system

John Zegar thoughts and travels

Navigators Handbook 

Common Sense Neuroscience 

Corruption in the legal system. Government has gotten out of control, traffic ticket now you go to traffic court and plea bargain with DA. Pretty stupid! Assistant DAs are wantab lawyers. They know nothing! I never let a phd psychology student work in a psy hospital till they had at least three years orderly training! When I tested wantab cops to enter the force I flunked out  fifty percent, same with public defenders, they should not be allowed to hold a law degree for at least five years post grad, maybe!

The system is corrupt and you should double check credentials! Every industry is equally as bad! Pay attention people ur going to jail for being innocent!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

John Zegar thoughts and travels


Encountering Energy Sources

Do you talk to God and or does God talk to you. Do you telepathically interact with extraterrestrials, and if not, why not. Where is your extraction portal, and better yet why don’t you know? If you are but energy, then why are your thoughts all about matter. If manifestation is about receiving your intention before it arrives, then why is that not common practice in your wheelhouse. Your bandwidth is nothing more than imagination, but your life seems melancholy. We live in a space and time that allows us time travel around the galaxies, yet we are couch potatoes with no neuron cluster movement, living a life confined to the garage. What if we get something wrong a few time, live our dream, why not get abducted, meet some new Aliens and touch fingers. They’re out there waiting for the greet and meet!


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Coming to grips with adulthood

 John Zegar thoughts and travels

Navigators Handbook 

I think and I believe there are some brilliant role models out there that can help us anchor our growth and help point us in a direction that sustains the decency of the human race. Do you understand that, and do you understand how big what I am saying is..Facebook has taken down my account for what reasons I do not know. In all actuality it is only a platform that gives us access to the world and is not suppose to be the judge and jury.As with this blog I now am not sure where this written piece will end up. I will go further with my thoughts once I see this outcome, as I can now no longer access Facebook.

Consultation/ Coaching available.

Friday, December 22, 2023

What’s the point


The world is in a state of total collapse, we all seem to be in a unanimous agreement about that, so why the effort. There is one thing that contradicts world collapse, and that is our belief and faith, no I’m not talking about religion or God, but ur belief in a higher power or whatever you want to call it, when my life seems like, what’s the point anymore I turn to my belief and faith in a power greater than anything I know, and sure enough, all is well due to the grace of the God of ur understanding. Here’s the most important understanding of life. We are spiritual beings living in a material world. When we transform into spiritual energy and realize everything is energy the world doors open up and we become power and are able to use powers we didn’t believe we had. This is an awesome place once we become dimensional. Study ur reality, stay up all nite and stare into the dark of nite and watch miracles appear before ur eyes. Become supernatural, become limitless, open doors to another realm, take that abduction ride to the moon with Aliens and be taught the ways of the universe. Be well out there..

Available for consultation/ coaching

Saturday, December 16, 2023

John Zegar thoughts and travels


The collapse of the human genome 

I avoid people and try to keep a safe distance from most any interaction having to do with stupidity of humans, their narcissism, lack of bandwidth, and nothing in the wheelhouse. They have a misguided perception that they rule the roost, not so. It’s not categorical to age or sex, it simply is changing times, lack of education, and a poorer state of affairs, or mental health. A collapse of society and culture leastwise in North America, but probably more so globally. I don’t look for conflict, but how can you not be disturbed and infuriated at Morons about us daily. I’ve had it, enough is enough. Maybe I need a cup of camomile tea to settle my bristles, How bout we bring back mental health, and especially jail.

Contact me anytime for coaching/consultation