What your subconscious processes at night determines your day....
Have you ever noticed what you do when you first get up? Have you ever noticed what mood your in when you first get up? Have you ever noticed how your day goes from time to time?
Examples might be that either you or you notice someone first thing calling a friend or relative. Another example might be that either you or someone you know needs to go somewhere not intended. Maybe you notice that you have a specific thought running through your head first thing in the morning. Possibly you find yourself doing a certain thing unintended early in the morning. Better yet you wake up with a terrific mood and your day turns out wonderfully.
These are just a few examples of what happens at nite while your sleeping and your subconscious is processing events that have either taken place in your life or need to occur during your waking day. Please remember your are a program, like a computer, and your subconscious is the program, and responsible for every minute of your life and it’s outcome. Further remember you are only conscious less than maybe five percent of your waking day. There are a lot of things that may occur that are unexpected.
All of the outcomes as I talked about when you wake up are the software installed early on in your life that has since become hardwired.
You may not be running the show you think you are.
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