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Friday, July 6, 2018


NAVIGATORS HANDBOOK: PERSONALITY is how u think, act, and if u think in negatives it will follow that ur actions will b displeasing and therefore it will leave u with feelings and emotions that make ur life a struggle...contrary the opposite is true...think positive thoughts...your actions will b pleasing to self and others leaving u with strong healthy emotions...pretty simple....but that is science and not always real research and study shows if a person is given specific information to enjoy ur personal life, grow, and become enriched as a full time contributed to the world....they will choose another path to their liking reasoning maybe 'those science guys aren't in the real world'...that choice will and does attract disease and ill health...that choice is u accepting old belief systems that r not even urs or ones that agree with ur desires..that choice is keeping u down the rabbit hole and living in the Matrix....ur right everything will look the same tomorrow and life will go on as hell with changing ur personality and thus ur is not meant to b abundant, prosperous, joyful, and healthy.....and that my friends are ur Beliefs u will die by...
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