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Thursday, July 5, 2018


COMMON SENSE PSYCHOLOGY:  POSSIBILITIES exist, actually infinite possibilities exist but no one seems to believe that or even try to use them...go to one of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s workshops and his latest workshop in Berlin a man who was paralyzed on his left side got movement back in his arm and leg and walked again after having a server stroke years was a ‘miracle’ we witnessed.....and there were others with miracle happenings...there r many well qualified professionals that train in this area of self healing including myself and seldom do people ask for coaching or consultation or a workshop or listen to a speaker...I use to see if people wanted to learn and most always people seemed offended....I don’t ask any more....there r specific programs available to u that can do what medicine cannot....we were given a life of abundance, happiness, healing, & joy..yet that doesn’t seem to b the mindset of peeps me anytime....don’t wait for Disease or Trauma or Diagnosis to nock on ur door first....

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