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Thursday, June 28, 2018


COMMON SENSE PSYCHOLOG: HEALING is not a given but diseas, sickness, ill health, and the like r sure to find us in our life times...getting the flue, colds, sprains, a broken bone here and there seem to occur as we pass through life...depression, anxiety, sadness, anger, occasional hostility, revenge, and many other emotions seek us out during our goings on...what's up with that...we were born into this world with happiness but look around and not much of that sustained...healing doesn't seem to b working more often than not...hospitals, sick time off work, and 'earned' time off becomes more frequent..we attract into our lives all the physical and emotional negatives that seek us out regularly...and this is the amazing part no one is doing anything about it...they just believe it 'normal' personal worst thing to watch is 'poor attitudes'....keep attracting...

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