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Friday, June 29, 2018


COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE: WELLNESS is not a choice...or is it...some days I may write a blog that is a little too close to the belt for people to read and as a result I get few readers...maybe they r offended and disagree with my premise or they just ignor it as inaccurate information...let me say the same thing I said yesterday....people don't want to b well or heal or eliminate ill health....people r sick either physically or emotionally and do nothing about it...even if given the u think or believe anger is ill can give u cancer.....can ur negative emotions and moods up regulate disease....absolutely...if u have allergies, colds, the flue, stupid things like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia...ur sick and yet little is done...if u flip off the guy in the car next to u or r a woman and will not acknowledge men in passing in fear of what I've been taught...r u maybe a little too's called an emotional illness...why do u 'hate' democratics or u have narcissistic's the take away if u continued reading today....what u think is not sickness or ill health is!  You did it through ur thoughts and beliefs!  My entire life has been about people and attempts to direct them to Wellness...the problem is that most don't want help!  Change ur mind call me....

I opened a new store.    Shop, buy, enjoy

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