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Sunday, March 12, 2023

Is ur wishes and desires in conflict with ur program

 NAVIGATORS HANDBOOK: COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE; when ur manifestations seem blocked from getting through, ur conscious brain is not in agreement with ur subconscious brain. You will probably be angry most of the time, or maybe even blame God. Solution, see urself already living ur life as ur wishes and desires. Repeat that video in ur head over and over until the anger goes away, dissipates. Don’t see urself as the old personality without ur wishes and desires. You always have a choice to stop the program you were given at any time or place, it can override ur conscious brain. In conclusion we’re talking about ur limiting beliefs programming and learning how to reprogram into ur wishes and desires. People generally will focus and spend their time on the negative thoughts, eighty percent of their thoughts, and not change their state of being to wishes and desires. Try it and see if it works for you.  NAMASTE 


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