NAVIGATORS HANDBOOK: Three dimensional Newtonian physics requires space and time. An unlimited amount of space to cover in an unknown amount of time, whereas in Quantum physics there is no space and in no time. The past, present, and future, are now in the present moment, the eternal now, so in order to receive it can happen in the now, as can your future. The concept of time does not exist and therefor is eternal, as space is also infinite, making no past, present, or future, just now. You have the ability to attract infinite possibilities into your life by living in the Quantum, and not in space and time. You can draw what you want to you, and allow it to find you by relinquishing the concept of matter, accepting everything is energy, and not focusing on your body, environment, and time. People everyday walk away from disease and death, lack, and struggle, by changing their thoughts from matter trying to change matter to allowing energy to change your body chemistry and biology, thus your thoughts and emotions. You are capable of extraordinary powers by changing your beliefs, letting go, and trusting the universe to answer your intentions and allow them to find you, it’s the law. bwell out there, and I hope to see you in my future. Namaste
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