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Wednesday, October 16, 2019


If we can become no one, in no place, and in no time...we become able to collapse time, and healing and manifestations will find us.  Along with that we need to have gratitude for all that we have and what we perceive to have.  In Newtonian Physics it is three dimensional with person, place, and time.  In Quantum Physics there is no past, present, or future...all time in now, the present, the eternal now. When we live in Survival we are living by the senses and using matter to change matter, and we know that doesn't work or if it did would takes a lifetime.  Our goal is to use and become energy in such a manner that the senses and time are collapsed.  What we seek will then find us in a manner that is right for us and not of our imagination.  This is going to take practice because we are accessing the unified field where infinite possibilities exist and have already occurred. Meditation is the tool most will use but being able to become no one, no place, and in no time is the secret that you can practice anywhere and anytime.  Reach another dimension and enter pure energy and Receive...

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