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Sunday, July 15, 2018


COMMON SENSE PSYCHOLOGY: PLAN UR WEALTH.....most people don’t do that and they end up without and have no idea what happened and’s an example of a couple people I know who have good talents and skills and offer their goods out on the internet for people to see and in some cases someone might offer to buy something they see and like or they may just copy the image and use it however they wish.... absolutely no planning when u have a skill and broadcast it for anyone to copy or take without compensating the owner....there r a couple different ways to look at the lack of planning to having wealth...the first is rich dad poor dad and that maybe u grew up in a family of lack and no one was able to teach u how to acquire wealth....the second reason may b belief systems u were taugh at a young age that basically said u can’t do that and succeed or ur not good enough or u don’t deserve wealth and u never stopped long enough to erase that old belief system that is not working for u and replace it with a positive empowering belief that will lead u to a result u r a hobbyist and not a professional and lack the knowledge to acquire wealth....u life ultimately goes nowhere and negative emotions take over...we r now big kids playing in big kids games and success and wealth is just around the corner if u seek competent professionals that can coach u in the direction u need to go and the changes u need to make....happiness and abundance r ur God given rights from the universe...make the adjustments that will allow wealth to find u..

Available for Consultation and Coaching

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