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Tuesday, July 10, 2018


COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE: LIKABILITY is directly connected to brain/nervous system and how the two get along...for instance how you think, act, and feel is your personality and is developed at a very early age while watching mom and dad and other adults interact about the goings on of a result you acquired belief systems that created perceptions in you to form and better define your personality resulting in how you would think and feel as you got older....all of this becomes brain function and the environment around you influences the nervous system to be in agreement or disagreement with your goings on in the brain....if there is congruence the brain and nervous system seem to get along and your personality is not trying to override old beliefs and you come across likable and offer no resistance while if the environment rubs your beliefs, perceptions, and personality wrongly then the nervous system and goings on in your brain become at odds and your try to override old programing and your personality may be not so likable..neuroscience is full of surprises and watching the interactions of brain, heart, body, nervous system, beliefs, and programing comprise interesting individuals running about the planet...

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