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Friday, July 13, 2018


COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE: ITS wake up and pay attention to the world goings on and people’s behavior...this is a wake up time in the history of mankind...we will not b given another opportunity...Our planet is changing and evolving due to man working behind the scenes to change planet earth and the damage man has caused due to abuse of the environment...and what does this have to do with neuroscience..everything...the arrogance of man and utter disrespect of the planet and one another...high level world leaders with a wealth of money are designing a future for u and the planet based out of self aggrandizement... if u think u r not living in the Matrix stop kidding urself...u r down the rabbit hole...and u think that is where u r suppose to b...just wake up each morning and have everything look and feel the same...that’s what they want u to think and feel....neuroscience is the only answer out of the hole....u r programmed and that is why some of u r sick and dying and why Medicine no longer works and why there is poverty and homelessness and unemployment....u r being directed and controlled and they influence u on TV and Radio, ur cell phones, ur foods, the water u drink....the end times r here in a manner of speaking....TAKE THE DAMN RED PILL....

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