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Tuesday, July 17, 2018


COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE: DISEMPOWERING BELIEFS may comprise more than 70% of Beliefs we learn as a child...this is part of our subconscious program that we run over 90% of every day our entire lives...not everything we r taught growing up is good for us and probably won’t apply as we get on in is old outdated scripts from people that may have issues themselves and struggle in decision making...on the other hand not all of it is bad and can b Beneficial which comprise the other 30% of our daily thoughts and program..these disempowering beliefs are what make us sick and attract disease...these r the thoughts that create perceptions about whether we r going to have the same disease one of our parents did or not...two kids from the same family will not always accept, believe, and surrender to these disempowering beliefs and thus one child may acquire the disease and the other not...when we feel ourselves struggling in life it is due to the disempowering belief that is not in agreement with our desires...we r merely trying to over ride it..which doesn’t work...we may have feelings of being weak, abandoned, anxious, sad, depressed, scared, and lonely until we reprogram that belief...putting in positive affirmations can do no harm in the process but finding people, places, and things that will empower us seem best and in order...until we understand the dynamics...we r living in the Matrix....

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