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Tuesday, June 19, 2018


COMMON SENSE NEUROSCIENCE: HEAVEN IS NOT GUARANTEED..I have finally lost my patience...everywhere I turn people r in denial of sickness and ill health just as they seem to b about...if they r human no matter what kind of life they live they will go to Heaven....what do they think...that they r just like the kids if today that that if they play a sport everyone gets a trophy...u can now hang urself and get really wasn’t ur fault but it was good he made the political statement he’s the facts peeps...when ur ignore ur health and the signs are in ur face...Disease is going to find u and ur going to die...because u played the game of life...doesn’t mean ur going to Heaven and more than likely ur sorry ass is going. To Hell for eternity...and that is longer than next Tuesday...there r thousands of professional people like myself that r trying to get the word out about how and why we live the lives we do and end up with trauma, diagnosis, and disease...the heart has a function but no one seems to understand that...there is a greater intelligence inside each and every one of us, called the creator keeping u alive.  At some point He’s not going to give u ‘do overs’ anymore...wake up peeps!

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